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Tuesday 26 April 2011

Motorcross Holeshot - The How to .....

A motocross holeshot should be as easy as waiting for the gate to drop and giving it a handful, right? Wrong. Races really are won and lost on the start so perfecting your motocross holeshot technique is well worth the effort.

Concrete Starts.
Concrete starts require a slightly different technique than dirt starts. Make sure the concrete pad that you'll start on is as clean as possible, some tracks will have a straw broom beside the start gate. Use it.

Be aware of whether your bike bleeds fuel out of the carby vent tubes, if it does keep your bike off the start area until your race is just about to start because the last thing you want is any sort of liquid under your wheel when the gate drops.

When your bike is in position, do a small burnout. Just enough to clean the knobs on your rear wheel, any more and you'll take the edges off your nice new knobby. Once the 30 second board is up, position yourself on the bike.

Both feet should be down and your weight should be back on the seat. Some riders like to have their left foot up on the peg ready for the first gear change but when starting on a surface as slippery as concrete you're better off have your weight distributed as evenly as possible on the bike.

If your weight is more to one side and the rear wheel spins, the bike will slip away from that side.

Once you see the 5 second board, increase your revs and with the front brake lightly applied, find the friction point in your clutch lever where the clutch is just starting to grab.

Pick a higher gear than you would if you were on a dirt start to minimise wheelspin.

Studies have shown that humans can react quicker to movement they see in the peripheral part of their vision so theoretically if you're watching the gate beside you out of the corner of your eye your reaction time will be quicker and hopefully your chances of a motocross holeshot higher. Keep you head forward over the bars and your elbows up and out, this position not only allows you to control the bike better and weight the front wheel (thus avoiding ending up flat on your back looking up at the sky) but with your elbows out you can fend off a rider beside you if they drift onto your line.

As the gates drop evenly release the front brake and fully engage the clutch, remembering there is very little traction under your back wheel until you clear the start pad. Once you do, move your weight forward (you know why!).

As the bike hooks up on the dirt grab the next gear and voila! the perfect motocross holeshot.

Be mindful of where your bike makes the most power in its rev range, too many riders hold it open for too long in each gear off the start and as the bike overrevs the power drops off. Experiment to find out where your bike makes the most power, this is markedly different between two strokes and four strokes.

Dirt Starts.
With dirt starts again prepare the surface where your rear wheel will be driving out of the gate. Kick some dirt into the rut left from previous starts and stamp it down firmly. This will give you a harder more tractable and smoother surface up to the base of the start gate. The only real difference from concrete starts is to have your weight forward on the bike and to pick a lower gear because there will be a lot more traction as you launch off the start.

Get a friend to time you trying different techniques with your starts, the stopwatch never lies.

It's been said a thousand times before but I'll say it again, there's only two parts to a race - from the start gate to the first corner and from the first corner to the chequered flag. Pull a perfect motocross holeshot and you're halfway there.

16th April 2011 - Laerskool Visserhoek Funduro (De Wildt Region)

Bike used - Honda CRF230 :-
(My KTM was still not repaired by this event so I had to use hubbies 230)

This was the most fun I have ever had on a bike. 

Laerskool Visserhoek hosted their first funduro on Saturday the 16th April to raise funds for this small rural primary school. 

 Registration took place (or was supposed to) take place just after 6am at Vissershoek, which meant we had to get up around 3 in the morning to be there on time.  This we managed, only to find that due to the heavy non-stop rain the registration was running late and only eventually commenced just before 7am.  The ride time was also postponed in the hope that some of the rain would subside.  The rain however kept pouring.   We eventually set off just after 9.  

The route they chose was well marked and well planned out.  The total loop was about 34 kms and I must add it was the most gruelling 34 kms I have ever done.   The first half of the route was in a riverbed that was muddy wet and had some severe rocky sections in between.  We were allowed to do as many loops as we could possibly fit in up to the cutoff point of 2 pm that afternoon.   I got caught in the riverbed on one of the muddy sections for over half an hour.  My bike was bogged down in the mudd so bad that it took 4 adult men to get it out.  Further down the loop closer to the end there was the "koppie section", which ended up being quite a rocky steep climb up with an awesome steep windy decent.  I honestly thought close to the end on my first loop that I would only manage one loop and would not even attempt a second one.  However, I must suffer from short term memory or some other malfunctioning brain condition, because I stopped at the pits demanded a refuel and sped off at the rate of knotts to catch up my fellow rival on his 125 yammie smoker.  

The second and last lap went well, managing to avoid any major bogg downs or hickups - however it was a slow second lap due to the severe prevailing rain and muddy conditions.   The Funduro was well planned and laid out for a first attempt.  The Marshall's marked the route well and was always at hand for assistance.   They did a good sweep of the loop afterwards to ensure that all the riders were back in the pits.   Once all of this was done they hosted a small prize giving, which was based on a lucky draw system.  I am proud to say I now own my first ever tool kit thanks to Laerskool Vissershoek.   Job well done guys and girls.   Definitely a must do on your calendar for next year and don't let the rain put you off it just adds to the fun.

Many Thanks to Gary from Dirt Bike Fanatics for the pit support.

9th April - Round 2 Northern Regionals MX - Zeemans

Bike used - Honda CR125 2003 :-

Up at the crack of dawn.  I'm starting to think that we are completely nuts.  Getting up so early seems strange now that winter is upon us.  Its cold and dark.  It had been raining and the track was excessively wet and muddy.  Even walking the track proved difficult to do let alone ride it.  I was extremely nervous about riding in such severe muddy conditions, but felt more at ease once I saw that all the other riders battled and I ended up being the only lady on the track that did not fall during the practise lap.  

By our first heat the track was nice and dry, however it was severly rutted.   It was rough and tough but we all survived the first heat execpt for Dolly who unfortunately, after falling, could not get her bike started again.  

Our second heat started very late in the day and visibility was poor.  On some parts of the track you could no longer see the ruts it was so dark.  I ended up taking my goggles off in an attempt to see better, but to no avail.  

Finishing off in 8th Position overall.   Standing 5th on the log after two races. But only because Amy unfortunately crashed in her second heat and ended with minimal points.  (Championship points attached).   Note to self - frame current results, I might not be 5th on the log for much longer.  Competition's stiff.  The ladies out there are talented.   

CompetitorBike     No.Reg.DBRONCOJMXCTOTAL
1CINDY POROBICH22NR25252525100
4NELINA BRAND817NR1719191873
5ELAINE DE SA102NR1616151562
6ALECIA ROOME27NR1414141456